Annual Food Bank Ride is on Sat Nov 23

Want to Give Back this Season from the Seat of your Bike?
This month, we're riding to collect donations for Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services. We will be gathering at Practical Cycle in Old Sacramento around 10am where we'll have cargo bike demos and treats to start the ride. Around 11am, we'll set off towards Edible Pedal, picking up donation bins along the way. Total ride distance will be approximately 3 miles.
Please bring a donation of food or warm clothing for the food bank.
**All children under 18 need to wear a helmet and adults are greatly encouraged to wear one as well. We will be following the rules of the road as we ride.**
This month, we're riding to collect donations for Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services. We will be gathering at Practical Cycle in Old Sacramento around 10am where we'll have cargo bike demos and treats to start the ride. Around 11am, we'll set off towards Edible Pedal, picking up donation bins along the way. Total ride distance will be approximately 3 miles.
Please bring a donation of food or warm clothing for the food bank.
**All children under 18 need to wear a helmet and adults are greatly encouraged to wear one as well. We will be following the rules of the road as we ride.**
Visit the Sacramento Kidical Mass Facebook Group to get more info and join the conversation!
Click on our November Food Bank Ride flier to download and distribute this month's flier to help spread the word!
Click on our November Food Bank Ride flier to download and distribute this month's flier to help spread the word!