Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Change for Oct. Ride: 10/28

Please note the change of venue! Join us for a Halloween-y bike parade! Starting at 1pm at Grant Park (22nd and C st). Come dressed up and decorate your bike. At 2pm, we will be biking 3 miles to Sutter's Landing Park. Steve Cohn is hosting a benefit to rebuild McKinley Playground (12-4pm). There will be food, music, beer, and bike parking. If you can't make the ride, come join the McKinley event anyway and feel free to head home at your leisure. A $5 donation per family is suggested to help cover the Kidical Mass event costs, all profits will go to the Rebuild McKinley Park benefit.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sept. ride this Sunday evening, Sept. 16th!

The September Sac Kidical Mass ride will be on Sunday, September 16th at Coloma Park in Elmhurst!

We'll be meeting at 5:15 for a picnic and the ride will begin at 6:00. Coloma Park (T St. & 47th St.) is the playground for the Coloma Center, which used to be an elementary school, so there is a play structure and a bit of grass to roll around on. We'll ride down T St. and then back on U St.

We look forward to seeing everyone next week!

Also, I must admit that I've been better about updating the Sac Kidical Mass Facebook page than this blog (sorry!), so go take a look at it!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Details for July 15th Ride

We'll meet either at or near the Alder picnic area which is the first area you come to if you enter off of Garden Highway. Take the first left after the entrance booth and head straight back. We’ll have the Kidical Mass banner up so we should be easy to find. We're aiming to be there at 5:15 for a dinner picnic if anyone cares to join us. It's nice and shady and close to bathrooms which will hopefully be open.

Parking is $5.00 via the ranger station. There are many office buildings, whose parking lots should be empty, off of Natomas Park drive. There is also free parking off Jiboom street near the water intake plant on the other side of the river. If you park there just ride across the bridge and follow the road or the trail to the right away from the boat ramps.

Also a warning: If you are coming into the park over Garden Highway the traffic light is on a really short (read: not bike friendly) cycle so it's best to use the crosswalk or get the crosswalk signal especially if there is more than one person crossing.

The weather looks to be cooler this weekend. We hope to see you there on Sunday afternoon!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Discovery Park evening ride on July 15th!

With help from Elle & Kate, we're now doing Kidical Mass events on the 3rd Sunday of each month. The July 15th ride will start with a picnic meet-up in Discovery Park at 5:30 and a ride at 6:00. More details to come.

Monday, April 23, 2012

It's that time again!

It's been quite awhile but the next Sacramento Kidical Mass event is set for Sunday, May 20th, right in the middle of May is Bike Month. We'll be meeting in the Kit Carson Middle School parking lot, just around the corner from our usual spot in East Portal Park, and festivities will start at 2:00 p.m. Thanks to A.J. Tendick at the Sacramento Area Council of Governments for helping me get this one going. More details to follow...