Saturday, October 9, 2010

Our Flickr Home

Alrighty folks, I've set up a Flickr group for our ongoing shindig at

Please upload any and all photos you happen to have of the marvelous outing we all shared.


The first Sacramento Kidical Mass was a hit! Thank you to everyone that came and everyone that helped make it such a success.

Over 100 people enjoyed the perfect Autumn weather to celebrate the fun of family bicycling. A Flickr group will be built by the end of the day for you to upload photos.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Counting down the days

Four days until the big event! Big thanks to Alan at EcoVelo, Chris at Bicycle Chef, and Rick & Erin at Sacramento Tweed and, respectively, for helping to spread the word. We’re also an editor’s pick for October in Sacramento Parent Magazine!

Just to review…The inaugural Sac Kidical Mass extravaganza will be this Saturday (Oct. 9th) at East Portal Park in Sacramento. We’ll be setting up near the play area where L Street meets Rodeo, starting bright and early at 9:00am with some bike decorating. artBEAST will be on hand to help make everyone’s bike unique, but please feel free to bring your own ideas and materials as well.

After a quick hello and helmet check, we’ll shove off at 10:00am for a leisurely group ride down M Street, turning around at Santa Ynez & N Street and returning to East Portal Park. We'll end the celebration by raffling off a few gifts from our sponsors. (Remember that all participants are entered in the raffle for free. You might walk away with something more than smiles!) We encourage you to bring a picnic lunch and enjoy some playtime at the park.

Thank you to everyone who has helped make this event possible. We hope to see you all Saturday morning!