We'll meet either at or near the Alder picnic area which is the first area you come to if you enter off of Garden Highway. Take the first left after the entrance booth and head straight back. We’ll have the Kidical Mass banner up so we should be easy to find. We're aiming to be there at 5:15 for a dinner picnic if anyone cares to join us. It's nice and shady and close to bathrooms which will hopefully be open.
Parking is $5.00 via the ranger station. There are many office buildings, whose parking lots should be empty, off of Natomas Park drive. There is also free parking off Jiboom street near the water intake plant on the other side of the river. If you park there just ride across the bridge and follow the road or the trail to the right away from the boat ramps.
Also a warning: If you are coming into the park over Garden Highway the traffic light is on a really short (read: not bike friendly) cycle so it's best to use the crosswalk or get the crosswalk signal especially if there is more than one person crossing.
The weather looks to be cooler this weekend. We hope to see you there on Sunday afternoon!